The Ljubljana-Hague Convention is the first major treaty in the field of international criminal law since the Rome Statute which established the …
from Google Alert – international law
May 29, 2023 at 02:51PM
The Ljubljana-Hague Convention is the first major treaty in the field of international criminal law since the Rome Statute which established the …
from Google Alert – international law
May 29, 2023 at 02:51PM
Bundesrat einverstanden – wenn Völkerrecht gewahrt wirdBundesrat gegen weitergehende SVP-VorstösseAuch Ständerat debattiert über Asylrecht. Darum … from Google Alert – Völkerrecht
… Völkerrecht, das humanitäre Völkerrecht und die Vierte Genfer Konvention zum Schutz von Zivilisten in Kriegszeiten (1949). from Google Alert – Völkerrecht
… law and a betrayal of victims of unlawful killings and other serious violations of international humanitarian law in the OPT and in Israel.”. from Google Alert – international law March 11, 2025 at Weiterlesen…